School Mosaics & Community Mosaics

with Joshua Winer, Artist and Teacher


Main Image

Lobby Mosaic
Handmade low-fire ceramics, glass tile, ceramic tile, colored grout
3 feet high x 18 feet long

Choosing an appropriate theme for this church school lobby mosaic was the start of our work as a group. The idea of 'Jesus and the Fisherman' developed during a series of design meetings with students in the art room. Fishing is a regional activity and provides a subject with many biblical connections, so this theme connects the mosaic to the community. The central image of Jesus instructing his disciples to fill their nets gave the students an opportunity to create colorful fish from clay and decorated with ceramic glazes. The left side shows St. Peter catching a fish that has a gold coin in his mouth. Jesus used this coin to pay his taxes. The right side shows the Miracle of the Feeding of Five Thousand from two loaves of bread and five fish. The story of Jonah and the whale is another great fish story from the Bible.

The entire school community worked together on this. The church congregation also participated in the making of the mosaic, which included younger children as well as the community elders.