School Mosaics & Community Mosaics

with Joshua Winer, Artist and Teacher

I'm Joshua Winer, an artist who specializes in working with schools and communities to create works of mosaic art. I'm passionate about sharing the experience of collaborative art making. I've worked with many different communities to create mosaic murals, in my hometown of Boston, in regional cities and towns, and across the United States. The mosaic art form is ideal for community art. Creating a large mosaic is the coming together of many hands, minds, talents and spirits. There is so much satisfaction and joy in sharing this process!

I studied painting at Yale as a college student, then studied architecture at Harvard for graduate studies. I worked as an architect for about 10 years, all the while creating large painted murals. In 1991 I started working as a full-time artist and teacher. My first large mosaic, commissioned by The Meadowbrook School of Weston MA, was a 'Tree of Life' for the outside wall of the school's parking circle. With this project, I experienced for the first time the amazing value that the community mosaic process provides as a way of creating hands-on public art. This was a powerful formative experience for the mosaic work I do now.

I work with about five to ten schools and community groups per year, specifically on group mosaic murals. This daily work allows me fulfill my love of working on art closely with people, being a guide, a teacher, a partner and a friend. Every new community offers me a professional and personal adventure as we share a wonderful, focused experience creating art.